Ceder serrania de ronda

Ceder serrania de ronda

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You can consult the contact information (telephone, address,…), scoring, probability of default, maximum solvency capacity, financial figures, incidences,… about Centro Desarrollo Rural Serrania Ronda Ceder.
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Open a line of dialogue and exchange between teachers and managers of heritage institutions to redefine heritage education programs and adapt them to the learning needs of students.
– Presentation of the Diccionario Biográfico Electrónico (DBE), of the Real Academia de la Historia. http://dbe.rah.es/ D. Jaime Olmedo, director of the DBE, professor of Literature at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Direction and coordination: Mariola Andonegui, expert in Heritage Education and World Heritage; Almudena Martínez, general coordinator of the San Millán de la Cogolla Foundation; Bárbara Cordero, general director of Hispania Nostra; Hernando Orellana, Obra Pía de los Pizarro Foundation; and José María González, project director of the SM Foundation.

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This has been expressed in an appearance at the headquarters of APYMER with the president of the association of entrepreneurs, Manuel Claros, who stressed that during this period has been trying to lift a complicated inherited situation that makes them barely survive, since the two administrative staff who remain in the CEDER and the manager do not collect their paychecks since last January.
This Friday those responsible for the Rural Development Group will hold a meeting in Malaga with the Director General of Agriculture, Margarita Perez and the provincial delegate, Adolfo Moreno, which will be crucial for the continuity of this non-profit entity established in 1991.
The CEDER Serrania de Ronda works to promote and encourage the sustainable development of the villages that make up the Serrania de Ronda, through various financial aid and numerous programs. Mainly, they promote support to local entrepreneurs, creating training activities and even carrying out strategic actions that would be difficult to assume privately.

Ceder serrania de ronda

Objectives:The main objective is to energize rural society to ensure that the potential of the region are known by all, promote sustainable development in the 21 villages that make up the Rural Development Group Serrania de Ronda. With initiatives of environmental awareness, equal opportunities between men and women, training and employability of young people in the Serrania, protection and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage.
Publications: With paper publications on traditional knowledge linked to the rural world. They collaborate in the edition of other publications on the history, archeology, traditions, nature, urban planning, etc. of the area.

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