What does recibir mean in english

What does recibir mean in english

Recibir significado

fecha del balance, tanto la inversión bruta total en dichos arrendamientos como el valor actual de los pagos mínimos a recibir por causa de los mismos, para cada uno de los siguientes plazos eur-lex.europa.eu
Además, la entidad revelará la inversión bruta en el arrendamiento y el valor actual de los pagos mínimos por arrendamiento a recibir en la fecha del balance, para cada uno de los siguientes plazos eur-lex.europa.eu
Además de la producción agrícola primaria, son subvencionables los proyectos de mejora de la transformación, la comercialización y la calidad de los productos, así como las medidas más generales de desarrollo rural. eur-lex.europa.eu

Receiving meaning in english

Next, it is recommended to talk to the children about the vocabulary to indicate directions in English, with words such as «roundabout» or «sidewalk», and also about phrases to ask for or give directions in English, such as «turn left» or «go straight». With this, they will be able to form more complex and precise sentences when communicating.
Elliot needs our help to gather all his camp supplies for LingoCamp! Can your little ones help him think logically and give him the right directions so he can find the supplies?

Receive conjugation

The first expression that comes to mind is Fair Play, which literally means fair play. This expression indicates all the moral rules of the game and that implies respect for the opponent and for everyone involved. The figures involved in the game of volleyball are the following:
In volleyball there are some fundamentals of the game. When we say «fundamentals» we refer to a specific and basic action that a volleyball player must know how to perform. In volleyball we have the following fundamentals:
Now that you know the basic English volleyball vocabulary, are you ready for your sporting adventure? If you feel the need to improve your English, you can count on ABA English. We offer 144 video lessons, short films and online exercises, so get ready today and score a point with our English courses!


More than 1.75 billion people learn English around the world. One of the first words learned in any language is ‘thank you’. In English it is usually translated as ‘thank you’; ‘thanks’ if you want to be a little more informal or ‘thanks a lot’ and ‘thank you very much’ in the case of being very grateful.
This word has become for many a common crutch to get out of more than one trouble with English. But if you want to say thank you in an enriching way and with a lot of expertise, ABA English, an online English academy with more than 13 million students, reveals the five coolest ways to say «thank you» in English and look like an expert in Shakespeare’s language.
You’re a lifesaverIt may sound like a strange way to thank someone, but the truth is that it is very common in English. It is used when you have asked someone to do something for you. Since they have done what you asked them to do, you thank them by calling them a «lifesaver». This is definitely a word to use if you want to sound more native.

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