Transferir backup whatsapp google drive para icloud

Transferir backup whatsapp google drive para icloud

Transferir whatsapp android para iphone

Cada vez pasamos más tiempo comunicándonos a través de aplicaciones sociales como WhatsApp, Line, Snapchat, por lo que la cantidad de datos entrantes en nuestros dispositivos está aumentando gradualmente. Para las personas que chatean activamente con muchos amigos y socios de negocios a través de aplicaciones móviles, esto puede crear una acumulación de información lo suficientemente grande como para cargar el almacenamiento interno del teléfono.
En primer lugar, asegúrate de que la copia de seguridad de iCloud que quieres mover ya está almacenada en tu iPhone. Esto significa que tendrá que restaurar la copia de seguridad de WhatsApp en su iPhone si ya la ha archivado en iCloud o la ha eliminado de su teléfono. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, puedes:

How to manually restore whatsapp backup from google drive

Undoubtedly, users are increasingly changing their devices more and more frequently, either because of fashion, because they use another operating system or because of the failure of these devices. This leads to a situation that is not pleasant for anyone: the migration of data from the old smartphone to the new one. This is always a problem for users especially for fear of losing valuable information such as Whatsapp chats.
Manufacturers such as Apple have developed an app that facilitates the migration from Android devices to iOS devices, however, this type of app only allows the transfer of information from the device’s default apps, photos, videos, etc. However, information from other apps such as Whatsapp Chats conversations will not be migrated from the old device to the new one.
That is why today we want to show you how to transfer Whatsapp conversations from an Android device to an iOS device or vice versa. This way we will not lose conversations or files shared between users.

Transfer whatsapp from android to iphone

Undoubtedly, among all the applications that we have installed on our mobile, one of the most important when changing mobile is WhatsApp, since most users do not want to lose their messages when switching from Android to iOS. Before moving the messages we will have to have previously made a backup of WhatsApp on our Android cell phone.
It is advisable to always have a backup of Android messages both locally and in the cloud. If something happens to our cell phone we can have the messages sent, received and multimedia files linked to the conversations we have had, individual or group.
The truth is that the messaging application itself allows us to make a backup of all our messages and files shared through WhatsApp. A copy that when we install the app on another terminal, it is possible to recover easily if we are in the same environment, that is, we move from one Android phone to another also with Android or we change from one iPhone to another.

Iphone backup from google drive

For iCloud backup and iTunes backup, there is a high risk to your data on the new iPhone, if any. Both of them require you to restart the new iPhone first, which means the existing data on the new iPhone will be erased. So usually, we prefer to recommend another way to extract the backup data, without erasing the data. Check the details in the following method.
Step 1Free download PhoneRescue for iOS to your PC / Mac > Connect your iPhone to computer via USB cable > Click Recover from iCloud and right arrow button on the bottom right corner.
Step 4Then all your WhatsApp messages in the iCloud backup will be presented. Select the conversation you want to recover, click To Computer to recover them to your computer or To Device to switch WhatsApp to your new iPhone.

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